Subject Area



Dark matter plays an essential role in understanding modern physics and particles beyond the Standard Model. Evidence suggests that dark matter accounts for approximately 85% of the universe’s matter, and 26.8% of its mass-energy composition. Key candidates for dark matter include unidentified subatomic particles like Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) and axions. The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS) employs direct detection methods to identify these elusive particles using cryogenic technologies. Su- perCDMS Soudan is the latest completed CDMS experiment in Minnesota, in preparation for the next phase experiments of SuperCDMS SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada. At SNOLAB, the Cryogenic Underground TEst (CUTE) facility is dedicated to analyze background levels prior to the full operation of SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiments. Utilizing collected data from CDMSlite Run 3 at Soudan Underground Laboratory with minimized background interference, sensitivity limits were established for solar axions within the keV energy range using the profile likelihood ratio method. Our results show an axio-electric coupling constant constraints g_ae < 5.91×10^–11 from the atomic recombination and de-excitation, Bremsstrahlung, and Compton channels at a 90% confidence level.

Degree Date

Summer 8-6-2024

Document Type


Degree Name





Jodi Cooley

Second Advisor

Joel Meyers


Through determination and hard work I was able to complete this long journey, but couldn't have done it without the support from my beloved family and friends.

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Physics Commons
