ERAH Graduate Student Conference

ERAH Graduate Student Conference



Our deadline for abstracts for the 2024 conference has been extended to Friday, September 13! We look forward to receiving your submission.

In collaboration with the SMU Department of English, the graduate students of the English, Religious Studies, Anthropology, and History Departments have come together to create the ERAH Graduate Conference, to be held on the campus of Southern Methodist University. This conference, which will bring together graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in the humanities from Texas and surrounding state universities, will prioritize the development of interdisciplinary connections and the fostering of an environment not only friendly to junior graduate students but actively tailored to those with little to no conference experience and with opportunities for regional networking and skill-building. Not confined to one weekend, the conference will have ongoing programming which provides participants with opportunities for continued networking and with a venue for polishing a conference paper into a publishable piece. Please join us!

Browse the contents of ERAH Graduate Student Conference:

2024: Ways of Knowing