Journal of the Graduate Research Center
Volume 30, Number 1 (1962)
Texas and Technology
Martin Goland
A Proof of a Theorem on Giffin's Paradox
Don E. Edmondson
On the Estimation of Parameters when the Observations are Subject to Measurement Error
Paul D. Minton and Vanamamalai Seshadri
A Geometrically Characterized Reference Frame For the Study of Cartan Hypersurfaces In N-Dimensional Projective Space
W. Dale Maness
Some Decomposition Theorems for the Vector Space of Matrix Summability Operators
Ed Kelly Jr. and Tetsundo Sekiguchi
An Etymological Note on the Tribal Name of the Cherokees and Certain Place and Proper Names Derived from Cherokee
Jack Frederick Kilpatrick
Nasal Mites of the Mourning Dove
Andrew B. Couch Jr., B. Grabstald, and Kenneth J. Kimbrough
A Search for Trypanosomes in Mourning Doves
Andrew B. Couch Jr., B. Grabstald, and Kenneth J. Kimbrough