Law and Business Review of the Americas

Front Matter
The Building of Bridges: The Ongoing Value of International and Comparative Legal EducationJulio Cesar Cueto-Rua795
Challenges for a Postelection Mexico Issues for U.S. PolicyPamela K. Starr799
Patent Protection and Access to Medicine: The Colombian and Peruvian Trade Promotion AgreementsLorna Dwyer825
Investor-State Arbitration Revised: A Critical Analysis of the Revisions and Proposed Reforms to the ICSID and UNCITRAL Arbitration RulesAndrew P. Tuck885
Comments and Case Notes
A Fundamental Human Right: Expanding Access to Affordable Housing for Latin America's Low and Middle-Income FamiliesJordan Rand945
The New Softwood Lumber Agreement between the United States and Canada: Finally Seeing the Forest Instead of Merely the TreesR. Shane Sillivent971
Arbitration in Latin America: A First Look at the Impact of Legislative ReformsJuan M. Alcala and Joshua Briones995
Investing in the Republic of Argentina: Applicable Withholding Rule and Exceptions according to the Argentine Central Bank RegulationsDaniel Herman Dicasolo and Alberto Francisco Miri1001
North American Trade Summit UpdateSara Duggan and Lorena Sanchez1009
Deferred Payment Checks in Argentina (Cheques de Pago Diferido en Argentina)Carlos Gerscovich1013
Recent Developments in NAFTA LawAlbany R. Shaw1023
Canada Update - Highlights of Major Legal News and Significant Court Cases from February 2007 to April 2007Brandon Wonnacott1027