Law and Business Review of the Americas

Front Matter
Symposium Introduction
Introduction: U.S. Foreign Economic Policy at the CrossroadsMichael Lusztig295
Symposium Articles
The Meaning of NAFTA and Its Implications for the FTAASidney Weintraub303
The Current State of the FTAA Negotiations at the Turn of the MillenniumSherry M. Stephenson317
Labor, Environment and the State of U.S. Trade PoliticsFrederick W. Mayer335
The Democratic Party and Free Trade: An Old Romance RestoredEric M. Uslander347
Has Free Trade Won the War in Congress, or Is the Battle Still Raging - A Study of the Influence of Industry Coalition Building on Congressional Trade PolicyWendy J. Schiller363
The Potential for U.S. Economic DominanceGuy Poitras389
Predicting the Future of the FTAAPatrick James and Michael Lusztig405
Doing Business under the FTAA: Reflections of a U.S. Business LawyerJoseph J. Norton421
South American Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies: Their Implications for the FTAAWilliam C. Gruben457
Electronic Commerce and the Free Trade Area of the AmericasJ. Barrett Willingham483