SMU Law Review
Front Matter
Tribute to Professor Peter WinshipJennifer M. Collins and Bruce Tomaso391
Tribute to Professor Peter WinshipWilliam V. Dorsaneo III393
APOLOGIA: A Non-Retirement Tribute to Professor Peter Winship, My SMU Law Colleague of over Four DecadesJoseph J. Norton395
A Tribute to Peter Winship—Academic Lawyer Par ExcellenceC. Paul Rogers III403
The Pathological Perspective and Presidential ElectionEdward A. Hartnett445
Machine Learning and the New Civil ProcedureZoe Niesel493
Distinctly Claiming an InventionKaren E. Sandrik541
Genetically Customized Generations—A Need for Increased Regulatory Control over Gene Editing Technology in the United StatesMorgan Mendicino585
Beware of the Drug Detection Dog: The Fourth Amendment, Drug Detection Dogs, and State Legalization of MarijuanaMorgan Smith611
Off on a Technicality: The Proper Remedy for Improper VenueChris Thomson667
Tweet, Post, Share. . .Get Haled into Court? Calder Minimum Contacts Analysis in Social Media Defamation CasesEllen Smith Yost693