The International Lawyer
Front Matter
United States Practice Concerning the Recognition of Foreign JudgmentsR. Doak Bishop and Susan Burnette425
The New Saudi Commercial Agencies RegulationRobert B. Cartwright443
The Foreign Investment Laws of Latin America: Present and FutureSalvador Juncadella463
International Aviation: A Unied States Government-Industry PartnershipStanley B. Rosenfield473
The SDR as a Unit of Account in Private TransactionsOrren Merren503
Trademark Litigation Involving Foreign Business in the Republic of KoreaRobert A. Baskerville521
North Sea Oil and EEC LawA. C. Evans529
Constitutional and Administrative Rights of Private Enterprise in Venezuela and Their ProtectionRichard V. Campagna541
Taxation of Foreign Investors on Their Capital Gains fromt eh Sale of United States Real EstateBonnie Smith Moses561
Taking Evidence Abroad for Use in Civil Cases in the United States - A Practical GuideCharles Platto575