The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Current Developments in the Law of Expropriation and Compensation: A Preliminary Survey of Awards of the Iran-United States Claims TribunalCharles N. Brower639
Factors Influencing the Flow of Foreign Investment and the Relevance of a Multilateral Investment Gaurantee SchemeIbrahim F. I. Shihata671
After Bhopal: Implications for Parent Company LiabilityAllin C. Seward III695
New Developments in Private Political Risk Insurance and Trade FinanceDouglas A. Paul709
Current Developments in the Opening of New Markets by the United States GovernmentJudith Hippler Bello719
Classification of Computer Software for Legal Protection: InternationaL PerspectivesRaymond T. Nimmer and Patricia Krauthaus733
Protection and Reversion of Cultural Property: Issues of Definition and JustificationGael M. Graham755
EEC Law and Other Problems in Applying the SEC Proposal on Multinational Offerings to the U.K.Manuel Lorenz795
Public Sector Dispute Resolution in Saudi Arabia: Procedures and Practices of Saudi Arabia's Administrative CourtHassan Mahassni and Neal F. Grenley827
The International Legal Profession - The Fundamental Right of AssociationHenry P. deVries845
Inside the Soviet Bar: A View from the OutsideSimona Pipko and Roman Pipko853
Case Notes
Development Bank of Philippines v. Chemtex Fibers, Inc.: A Vote in Favor of International Comity and Commercial PredictabilityMartin A. Feigenbaum873
Offshore Lending to Borrowers in Indonesia: Recent Supreme Court Judgments Highlight Enforceability ProblemsVictor P.G. de Seriere883
Current Developments
Book Review
Book Reviews913
Section Recommendation and Reports
Report on UNESCO ReformsArthur W. Rovine917
Report on Ratification of the Convention against TortureArthur W. Rovine920
An Analysis of the U.S.-U.K. Supplementary Extradition TreatyWilliam M. Hannay925