The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The NAFTA: Its Overarching ImplicationsJudith H. Bello and Alan F. Holmer589
Dispute Resolution under the NAFTA: The Newer and Improved ModelJeffrey P. Bialos and Deborah E. Siegel603
International Trade and Investment in Services: A Comparative Analysis of the NAFTAHarry G. Broadman623
Customs Provisions and Rules of Origin under the NAFTADonald Harrison and Kenneth G. Weigel647
The NAFTA: A Watershed for Protection of Intellectual PropertyCharles S. Levy and Stuart M. Weiser671
Green Language in the NAFTA: Reconciling Free Trade and Environmental ProtectionRaymond B. Ludwiszewski691
Chapter 19 of the NAFTA: Binational Panels as the Trade Courts of Last ResortHomer E. Moyer Jr.707
An Overview of the NAFTA Investment Chapter: Substantive Rules and Investor-State Dispute SettlementDaniel M. Price727
Labor Issues under the NAFTA: Options in the Wake of the AgreementStanley M. Spracker and Gregory J. Mertz737
The NAFTA: Trade, Competition, Environmental ProtectionRichard B. Stewart751
After the NAFTAStewart A. Baker765
Current Developments
The Further Liberalization of Foreign Exchange Control Regulations in the PhilipinesRay C. Espinosa771
Protection of the Environment in Wartime: The United Nations General Assembly Considers the Need for a New ConventionVirginia Morris775
Managing Environmental Risks in Eastern Europe: The Framework for Negotiated SolutionsMats Sacklen783
The Exon-Florio Statute: How it Affects Foreign Investors and Lenders in the United StatesPatrick L. Schmidt795
Book Review
Book Reviews807