The International Lawyer
Front Matter
A Multilateral Energy Sector Investment Treaty: Is It Time for a Call for Adoption by All NationsEdna Sussman939
The Challenges of Keeping Private International Dispute Resolution in the Private Healthcare SectorKay Boulware-Miller967
Iflas and Chapter 11: Classical Islamic Law and Modern BankruptcyAbed Awad and Robert E. Michael975
Pathological Foreign Investment Projects in China: Patchwork or Trendsetting by the Supreme People's CourtLutz-Christian Wolff1001
Iraq and Climate Change: The Mainstream Lawyer's Survival GuideDuncan French1019
Into the Hot Tub - A Practical Guide to Alternative Expert Witness Procedures in International ArbitrationFrances P. Kao, Justin L. Heather, Ryan A. Horning, and Martin V. Sinclair Jr.1035
Achtung - After 125 Years of Success, the German Health Care System is in Code BlueMichael Nelson1045