Alternative Title

Texas Gothic, Paintings by Taryn Uribe Turner

Subject Area

Anthropology, Art, Art History/Criticism/Conservation, Education, Geography, Humanities, Humanities, Sustainability and Development


The emotional and the ecological combine to create my body of work titled, “Texas Gothic.” My thesis tells the stories of my oil paintings created through personal connections to a variety of landscapes, animals and experiences that share the setting of Texas.

Desire and regret take shape as animals and figures not fully formed or real. Unreliable narratives of the past are entangled with present tensions to create a painting that haunts and stalks.

And yet, there is hope!

Through nostalgia and sweetness and burdens, my paintings confront a shrouded future. The contradictions of time passing are explored in my paintings in an effort to tame an ungraspable motion. I seek to capture fleeting moments and moods through layers of color and nuances expressed by brushwork. The undercurrent within my images meditates on the idea of being an artist and the struggle to embody the showmanship required. My time at SMU as a graduate student has resulted in the development of my artistic practice and identity, culminating into the 2024 MFA Qualifying Exhibition and thesis research. Each painting in the Exhibition embodies the essence of the overarching theme of “Texas Gothic.”

Degree Date

Summer 5-11-2024

Document Type


Degree Name



Division of Art


Nishiki Sugawara- Beda

Second Advisor

Melanie Clemmons

Number of Pages




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License



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