Streaming Media


This thesis explores four different methods (Golden Path, Punishers & Reinforcers, Teaching in Threes, and Forced Teaching) for teaching players how to engage with shifting gameplay styles within video games using Nico Fridja’s Valence Theory [1]. Using the Far Cry 5 Arcade Editor, the researcher created a single-player video game level in which all four teaching methods were tested in tandem with one another. The goal of creating this level was to evaluate the validity of the teaching methods and their ability to shift gameplay valences, specifically between stealth-focused gameplay and push-forward firefight combat gameplay.

Degree Date

Spring 2024

Document Type



Level Design


Katie Wood Clark


A special thanks to Professor Katie Wood Clark and Professor Mike Porter as the advisors for this thesis project. Thank you for all your invaluable feedback and guidance. Additionally, thank you to all the playtesters for helping produce data for this study. Lastly, I want to acknowledge the faculty of Southern Methodist University Guildhall.



Included in

Game Design Commons
