Subject Area



This work is a relay of my practice in the MFA program at Southern Methodist University. In this text, I account for one of the formal elements of my practice, the box; some of the overarching themes of my practice; commentary on the performances “Rumor Has It”, “The Jesus Projects”, “Better Luck Next Time”, and “The Collector”, as well as “The Black Cock Art Foundation” and “Black Cock Café”, and some of the cultural and artistic influences on my practice. I analyze why I think my work has been received the way it has in some instances by the university and what I think this take on my work means to my overall practice as it has been contained in Dallas, Texas.

I have a number of footnotes to help navigate this text in addition to the bibliography. For the sake of convenience for the reader and to not make this document as dense as the work I am undertaking, these footnotes are an important tool for navigating the document for any interested parties. The format of this document breaks from a formal research paper in the hope of achieving a more casual tone meant to reflect the personality of the artist.

Degree Date

Spring 5-18-2019

Document Type


Degree Name



Division of Art


Melanie Clemmons

Second Advisor

Roberto Conduru

Number of Pages




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

20190321_195814.jpg (5050 kB)
Better Luck Next Time - Digital Photo

In Praise of Shadows Book.jpg (2421 kB)
In Praise of Shadows Book - Digital Photo

Sweet Jesus Collage with Installation pictures.tif (69176 kB)
Sweet Jesus - Digital Collage

Box 1 Images.jpg (804 kB)
Box 1 - Digital Collage

Box 3 Images.jpg (839 kB)
Box 3 - Digital Collage

Act One - The Burning Hand of the Savior.mp4 (156224 kB)
Act One - Video

20171201_155145_2.jpg (1315 kB)
Untitled - Mixed Media

20180324_210311_2.jpg (1876 kB)
The Great City - Drawing

A Short Trip Around The Sun 84inx192in.jpg (2266 kB)
A Short Trip Around The Sun - Drawing

The Brother Orchid (A Pear Blossom Grafted onto a Cocks Heart) 55inx42in.jpg (499 kB)
The Brother Orchid - Drawing

The Balance 18inx24in.jpg (2199 kB)
The Balance - Drawing

Angels of Our Better Nature Ogre.mp4 (426136 kB)
Angels of Our Better Nature/Ogre - Video

1986 Black Fire Tiger.jpg (32 kB)
1986 Black Fire Tiger - Mixed Media

Wall For The Devoured.jpg (1133 kB)
Wall for the Devoured - Drawing

XCInstallationSMU-10.jpg (4966 kB)
In Praise of Shadows - Installation

A Middle Class Lynch Mob.jpg (8933 kB)
A Middle Class Lynch Mob - Drawing

Bed Stuy Fly.jpg (7884 kB)
Bed Stuy Fly - Drawing

IMG_1908.jpg (999 kB)
Divination - Mixed Media

IMG_2143.jpg (1611 kB)
Last - Mixed Media

Sweet Jesus Pamphlet.pdf (331 kB)
Sweet Jesus Pamphlet - Publication

Xxavier Edward Carter CV.pdf (86 kB)
Xxavier Edward Carter CV

Xxavier Edward Carter Artist Statement 5119.pdf (71 kB)
Xxavier Edward Carter Artist Statement 5/1/19

Xxavier Edward Carter Thesis Image List.pdf (70 kB)
Xxavier Edward Carter Image List

Carter Xxavier Edward by Chris Mosley.pdf (116 kB)
MFA Qualifying Exhibition Catalog Text by Chris Mosley

Included in

Art Practice Commons



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