Subject Area

Anthropology, Art, Art History/Criticism/Conservation, Communication, Geography, History, Religion


The environment you grow up in can become a pivotal part of your existence. The sights, smells, people, and places you experience every day can transform the way you see the world. Growing up in a Mexican-American household has brought its own set of experiences that have made me the artist I am today. I am one of many contemporary artists building on the foundations of their heritage and the Chicano movement. I am also a Mexican-American artist expanding the identity and extending the legacy in the 21st century. This paper will investigate how Mexican-American heritage has influenced my artistic practice work and how this heritage has influenced contemporary artists' work. I will then discuss how my photographs, sculptures, and installations are in dialogue with my Mexican-American heritage and reference Chicano practices in terms of my materials, subject matter, and visual storytelling. Chicano practices and my own personal heritage influence my artmaking as well as how I create a home for myself, my family, y familia.

Degree Date

Spring 5-14-2022

Document Type


Degree Name



Division of Art


Lisa McCarty

Second Advisor

Kathy Windrow

Third Advisor

Philip Van Keuren

Fourth Advisor

Ariel Wilson

Number of Pages




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License



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