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In this unit, elementary graders will identify and explain the pollen, flowering plants, and pollination process, and labelled various parts of a flower, pollinators. They will build the model of pollinators, initial models of the reproductive parts of plants. They will explore the 3D shapes, magnifying glasses, area and volume, modelling and explain low-high fidelity prototyping, engineering design process. The unit is designed by providing an abundance of practical ways to learn the significance of the pollination process and to get to know about pollinators and pollen in a place-based environment. Here, students will engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate the new knowledge by applying hands-on engineering practices, technology practices, model-based learning, foster fostering communication, critical thinking, collaborating and creativity skills to solve the real-life problem which targeting their epistemic, conceptual, and social learning goals.

Document Type



STEM, informal learning, place-based learning, Plants reproductive system, Pollination, Pollinators, Bee's bot, Pollination process


Engineering | Engineering Education
