Field and Laboratory
Volume 19, Number 2 (1951)
Geology of the Eagle Ford Quadrangle, Dallas County, Texas
William Louis Turner
The Striped Water Snake, Natrix rigida (Say), in Texas
Lawrence Curtis and Donald Tinkle
Notes on Texas Compositae - VII
Lloyd H. Shinners
The Sweet Clovers (Melilotus) of Texas
Joe F. Hennen
Keys to Texas Genera of Clovers (Leguminosae)
Joe F. Hennen
A New Species of Metapterus (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
Joe C. Elkins
Chagas Disease and Vectors in North Central Texas
Joe C. Elkins
The North Texas Species of Hymenocallis (Amaryllidaceae)
Lloyd H. Shinners
Cynanchum barbigerum (Scheele) Shinners, comb. nov.
Lloyd H. Shinners
Notes on the Turbellarian, Procotyla fluviatilis Leidy
John Maxwell Anderson
An additional Record of the Salamander Amphiuma in Texas
Lawrence Curtis
The Coal Skink, Eumeces anthracinus Baird, in Texas
Donald Tinkle and Lawrence Curtis
Rhus aromatica Ait. var. flabelliformis Shinners, var. nov.
Lloyd H. Shinners
Allium Fraseri (M. Ownbey) Shinners, comb. nov.
Lloyd H. Shinners