Journal of the Graduate Research Center
Volume 31, Number 3 (1963)
Pleistocene Mammals of the Clear Creek Local Fauna, Denton County, Texas
Bob H. Slaughter and Ronald Ritchie
Sulphur River Formation and the Pleistocene Mammals of the Ben Franklin Local Fauna
Bob H. Slaughter and B. Reed Hoover
Correlation of the Sulphur River Formation
John A. Doering
Late Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles of the Clear Creek and Ben Franklin Local Faunas of Texas
J. Alan Holman
An Ecological Comparison of the Ben Franklin and Clear Creek Local Molluscan Faunas in Texas
E. P. Cheatum and Don Allen
Charophytes of Pleistocene Age from Delta and Denton Counties, Texas
Harold E. Schlichting Jr.