Faculty Journal Articles and Book Chapters
ORCID (Links to author’s additional scholarship at ORCID.org)
Christina Sautter: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3124-7404
This Article discusses how a subgenre of retail investors makes investors’ apathy obsolete. In prior work, we dub this genre of retail investors “wireless investors” for their reliance on technology and online communications. By applying game theory, this Article discusses how wireless investors’ global-scale online communications allow them to circulate information and coordinate, obliterating collective action problems.
Publication Title
Washington University Law Review
Document Type
retail investors, Millennials, GenZ, apathy, collective action, game theory, social norms, corporate governance, ESG, investing, stakeholders
Recommended Citation
Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci & Christina M. Sautter, Wireless Investors & Apathy Obsolescence, 100 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1653 (2023)