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  • By the time this 1979-80 Report of the Dean is published, a new and permanent Dean, Jeswald W. Salacuse, will have taken the helm of the SMU Law School.
  • A significant gift of books and personal papers was made by Mrs. Arthur L. Harding, to establish in the Library the Arthur L. Harding Memorial Collection of Jurisprudence.
  • Gene W. Francis was Chairman of the 1979-80 Law School Fund. In addition to a solicitation by mail, Mr. Francis headed a telefund at the Law School which ran for ten nights in the fall, and involved 74 alumni as solicitors. Under his direction, gifts to the Law School Fund totaled $157,292.50. All contributions to the Law School Fund, unleSs otherwise designated by the donor, are restricted to provide financial assistance to students in the form of tuition grants.
  • All law firms and solo practitioners in Dallas were asked to support voluntarily the Law Library on the basis of $50 per lawyer (the approximate cost of one book). Dallas attorneys responded with gifts totaling $18,270.00.

Publication Date


Report of the Dean of the School of Law for the Year 1979-1980
