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  • New offerings included a seminar in Criminal Trial Advocacy and Practice, offered by Professor Bolton in the summer of 1966, a seminar in the Legal Problems of the Urban Society offered by Professor Baernstein, and a seminar in Labor Problems offered by Professor Morris in the spring of 1967.
  • In order to intensify the efforts at precision in writing on the Southwestern Law Journal, a seminar was offered by Professor Charmatz for the entire year for law journal editors and staff in which case notes and comments were thoroughly reviewed and criticized before publication.
  • Plans and specifications for the remodeling of Florence Hall were completed and submitted for bids, and work was begun in the latter part of May 1967, with scheduled completion in January 1968.
  • Plans and specifications for the new library are to be completed by October 15, and construction should begin sometime in the Spring of 1968.
  • The Journal of Air Law and Commerce, under the leadership of Professors Taubenfeld and Larsen, planned a symposium on the Warsaw Convention for the summer of 1967 which was a highly successful undertaking, drawing representatives from all over the world.
  • On March 30, 1967, the Supreme Court of Texas made its second visit to the Law School, spending the day in informal discussions with the students about the work of the Court and recent cases.
  • The Order of the Coif granted a charter to the School of Law on January 3, 1967. The Coif chapter replaces the Order of the Woolsack.

Publication Date


Report of the Dean of the School of Law for the Year 1966-1967
