Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Apuntes: Reflexiones teológicas desde el margen hispano
Apuntes: Reflexiones Teológicas Desde el Contexto Hispano-Latino is an ecumenical, bilingual, journal that supports the Hispanic/Latin@ Church by providing theological, biblical, and historical reflection to enrich pastoral ministry and understanding of the church. Bringing theological reflection and analysis to pastoral ministry is essential for the life of the church and ministry.Apuntes: Reflexiones teológicas desde el margen hispano.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Field and Laboratory
Field & Laboratory (Volumes 1-27, 1932-1959) contains papers published by faculty, students, and alumni from SMU’s Science Division. The articles cover many scientific areas, including biology, chemistry, physics, meteorology, earth sciences, and the history of science. One special purpose of the journal was to “give wider publicity to scientific studies originating in, and dealing with, the Southwest.”

Fondren Science Series
The Fondren Science Series began publication in 1949 with Volume 1, Number 1, and ran in parallel with the Field & Laboratory series and finally alongside the Journal of the Graduate Research Center. Dr. Ellis Shuler, a founding professor at SMU and Dean of the Graduate School, organized the first two issues. He solicited the first article and wrote Part II of the first issue which was published in 1950. This series coincided with the construction of the Fondren Science Building, which opened in 1950, and was then the largest building on campus and dedicated to the natural sciences. Unlike Field & Laboratory, Fondren Science Series published several much longer articles, but on an irregular schedule. Most of the series papers related to the Geological Sciences and paleontology. The exception was the final issue, Volume 11, the book About Bats, published in 1970.

Journal of Air Law and Commerce (Law Journals)
The Journal of Air Law and Commerce, a quarterly publication of the School of Law, was founded at Northwestern University in 1930 and moved to SMU in 1961. The oldest scholarly periodical in the English language devoted primarily to the legal and economic problems affecting aviation and space, it has a worldwide circulation with more than 2,300 subscribers in 54 countries. Articles by distinguished lawyers, economists, government officials, and scholars deal with domestic and international problems of the airline industry, private aviation, and space, as well as general legal topics that have a significant impact on the area of aviation. Also included are student commentaries on a variety of topical issues, book reviews, and editorial comments.
The Journal of Air Law and Commerce also sponsors an annual symposium on selected problems in aviation law and publishes selected papers from that symposium in one of its issues. More than 500 aviation lawyers and industry representatives annually attend.
Journal of the Graduate Research Center
The Journal of the Graduate Research Center began publication in 1960 in conjunction with the formation of the Graduate Research Center, Inc (GRC). An older publication series, Field & Laboratory, was incorporated into the Journal of the Graduate Research Center, which maintained the volume numbering scheme from its predecessor. Most articles were authored by SMU faculty, some derived from thesis papers, and researchers from outside of SMU also contributed. The focus of the new journal was much broader across the sciences and humanities than the earlier journal. Topics ranged from biology, mathematics, statistics, physics, and geology to business and economics, geography, anthropology, and history. Longer publications, theme issues and even a book were featured.
Law and Business Review of the Americas (Law Journals)
Published from 1995 to 2016, the Law and Business Review of the Americas (LBRA) is a peer-reviewed journal that was produced by the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law's International Law Review Association.
Each issue includes articles authored by leading scholars and practitioners that address key legal, business, economic, political, and social developments and issues within the Western Hemisphere. Priority is given to Hemispheric and regional integration efforts within the Western Hemisphere, their implementation, their future evolvement and expansion, and their overall impact on doing business in the Americas. Additionally, student-written updates analyze recent events within the journal's geographic and thematic purview.LBRA, which began in 1995, is no longer published. Now, the student members of the board of editors and staff of the International Law Review Association publish The International Lawyer and the ABA International Section's Year in Review.
SMU Annual Texas Survey (Law Journals)
Since its establishment in 1967, the SMU Annual Texas Survey serves as a tool to legal practitioners by providing annual developments of Texas Jurisprudence. Each issue of the Annual Texas Survey contains articles from law professors, attorneys, and judges which provide a thorough, yet concise explanation of the present state of Texas law. Student members of the SMU Law Review Association edit and produce this exclusive publication of legal developments in Texas.
The SMU Annual Texas Survey began in 1967 as the Annual Survey of Texas Law, an annual project of the SMU Law Review. The journal then published as an independent online publication in 2014 and has since been published under the name SMU Annual Texas Survey. All editing is done by student members of the board of editors and the staff of the SMU Law Review Association.
SMU Data Science Review
The SMU Data Science Review is a repository of SMU Masters student work in the field of data science as well as an electronic journal that promotes data-driven scientific discovery and welcomes experimental and theoretical research on advanced data science technologies and their real world applications.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

SMU Journal of Undergraduate Research
The Office of Engaged Learning and the SMU Libraries are proud to present the SMU Journal of Undergraduate Research (JoUR).
This is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the finest accomplishments of SMU student researchers. The SMU JoUR showcases the diverse original research and scholarship performed by SMU undergraduate students and their faculty mentors.
Requests for information about publication in SMU JoUR should be sent to

SMU Law Review (Law Journals)
Published four times each year, the SMU Law Review reaches law schools, attorneys, and judges throughout the United States and abroad. Each issue includes articles by prominent legal scholars and practitioners dealing with significant questions of local, national, and international law. In addition, articles by students analyze recent cases, statutes, and developments in the law. The SMU Law Review also sponsors the annual SMU Corporate Counsel Symposium on current developments in corporate law. The symposium attracts corporate practitioners from throughout the United States.
The SMU Law Review began in 1947 as Texas Law and Legislation. The journal then published under the name Southwestern Law Journal in 1948 and has been published as the SMU Law Review since 1992. All editing is done by student members of the board of editors and the staff of the SMU Law Review Association. The Association also publishes the Journal of Air Law and Commerce and the SMU Annual Texas Survey.
SMU Law Review Forum (Law Journals)
The SMU Law Review Forum (Forum) is a brand new online journal edited by the students of the SMU Law Review Association. The Forum was established in 2019 as a counterpart to the SMU Law Review and Journal of Air Law and Commerce. The Forum will specialize in short-form, timely articles that are reviewed and published on an accelerated schedule.
SMU Science and Technology Law Review (Law Journals)
Published twice a year, the SMU Science & Technology Law Review is a journal produced by the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law’s Science and Technology Law Review Association. Each issue features articles authored by leading scholars that address key legal, economic, and political developments and issues within science, technology, and innovation, including the legal use and limits of artificial intelligence, data privacy, and intellectual property law.
The journal also proudly hosts an annual symposium on cutting-edge issues in the science and technology field. The 2025 Symposium will take place on January 31, 2025, and will explore the crucial theme of “Retail Law, Technology, and Policy.”
Tertulia. SMU Undergraduate Spanish Journal
TERTULIA is an academic journal committed to promote a creative platform for students with a passion or interest in Spanish culture and/or language. The aim of the journal is to create a space and opportunity for students to share their work with a wider academic, social and creative community. Tertulia supports high standards of scholarship in Spanish and encourages students to embrace the journal as a public forum. For questions or submissions please send and email to Special thanks for this volume 1 to Will Boyce, Allison Kim and Emory McDowell.The Dialogue
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The International Lawyer (Law Journals)
The International Lawyer is the official triannual publication of the American Bar Association's Section of International Law. Prior to 2013, it was a quarterly publication that included a special Year in Review issue, which is now a separate annual publication known as The Year in Review. The ABA published the inaugural issue of The International Lawyer in 1966, and SMU has been the proud home of this prestigious journal since 1986.
Since then, The International Lawyer has grown to become the most widely distributed U.S. international law review in the world, enjoying subscriptions of approximately 22,000 readers in more than 90 countries. In an effort to satisfy its worldwide readership, this publication focuses primarily on practical issues of international law, including trade, licensing, direct investment, finance, taxation, litigation, and dispute resolution.
Members of the Section of International Law receive issues from the last three years of The International Lawyer as a benefit of section membership. Older issues are available on this site to everyone.
The Year in Review (Law Journals)
The Year in Review, previously included as an issue of The International Lawyer, is now its own annual publication of the American Bar Association's International Law Section. It has had a place as a prestigious ABA publication since 1966 and has called SMU Dedman School of Law its home since 1986.
The Year in Review, as its name suggests, is an annual survey of the law from around the world. On average, thirty to forty Committees of the ABA International Law Section contribute to the publication and capture the germane legal developments, key pieces of legislation, and landmark decisions that help to shape the legal tapestry of their respective countries and areas of interest. Catering to the ABA ILS membership and others, The Year in Review shares in the same readership as The International Lawyer, and is the most widely distributed U.S. international law survey in the world, enjoying subscriptions of approximately 11,000 readers in more than 90 countries. Submissions are made annually by Committee Editors on behalf of their respective ABA International Law Section Committees.
This collection contains the Year in Review issues beginning with Volume 50. Earlier issues are within The International Lawyer collection.