Journal of Air Law and Commerce

The Journal of Air Law and Commerce, a quarterly publication of the School of Law, was founded at Northwestern University in 1930 and moved to SMU in 1961. The oldest scholarly periodical in the English language devoted primarily to the legal and economic problems affecting aviation and space, it has a worldwide circulation with more than 2,300 subscribers in 54 countries. Articles by distinguished lawyers, economists, government officials, and scholars deal with domestic and international problems of the airline industry, private aviation, and space, as well as general legal topics that have a significant impact on the area of aviation. Also included are student commentaries on a variety of topical issues, book reviews, and editorial comments.
The Journal of Air Law and Commerce also sponsors an annual symposium on selected problems in aviation law and publishes selected papers from that symposium in one of its issues. More than 500 aviation lawyers and industry representatives annually attend.
Current Issue: Volume 89, Issue 4 (2024)
Front Matter
Preempting the Buzz: Challenges for State and Local Regulation of Drone NoiseDaniel Friedenzohn and Trevor Simoneau573
Curiousity Killed the (Fat) Cat: Promoting Safety Over Profit in the Space Tourism IndustryRyan Puente627
Proposed Methodologies to Cure the No-Fly List’s Current Violations of the Due Process Clause for Affected U.S. CitizensSierra Stone655