Subject Area



My research looks at organizational behavior as a resource to beleveraged for human learning. Two theoretical constructs guided this research, Team Member Exchange theory (TMX) and Social Network Analysis theory (SNA). The data for this research were derived from a case study of a subpopulation of the AMBER Alert organizationin Mexico.While no results were statistically significant, there was a weak association between the perceived support on the team (TMX) and the perceived strength of dyadic relationships (SNA) based on measures of outbound degree centrality (r>0.3). Graphical SNA analysis provided a more useful observation for a small group (N=14) than the statistical analysis. The image revealed that fiveout of sevennodes with high TMX werelocated in the core group of the network (71.4%). Those with more and stronger dyadic connections (SNA) also tended to have higher perception of the quality of exchange relationships (TMX).My research demonstrated the exchange relationships working in this organization. The impact of peer relationships in a team has potential applications in both a university and an employer sponsored learning space.In this case, implementation of informed adult education practices brings significant societal value because it serves to improve job outcomes in an industry withmuch more than profit at stake. These relationships save lives.Keywords: Team Member Exchange (TMX), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Exchange Behavior, Workplace Relationships, AMBERAlert,

Degree Date

Spring 5-2018

Document Type


Degree Name



Education Policy and Leadership


Ashley Tull

Second Advisor

Sondra Barringer

Third Advisor

Charlotte Barner

Fourth Advisor

Jim Walters

Number of Pages




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
