SMU Law Review
Front Matter
Accommodating Religion After GroffCharles A. Sullivan655
Choosing Your JudgeAlexander Gouzoules699
Death is DisparateJesse Cheng751
Make America Healthy: Reducing High Pharmaceutical Prices Without Reducing InnovationSrividhya Ragavan787
Green and Proud: Protecting the Antiquities Act as a Means of Fighting Climate Change and Promoting American PatriotismCameron King841
The War[hol] Between Artistic Creativity and Commercial Use within the Fair Use DefenseMorgan Houghtlin873
Social Media and Social Reform: Why States Should Consider Protecting the Rising KidfluencersRina Wong901
At Least Make it Adequate: The Constitution Should Better Protect Public EducationCristina J. Mauldin933
A Critique of the Current Epidemic in our Criminal Justice System: “Guilty Until Proven Innocent”Jaclyn Marsh963