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Regulations and standards become essential when designing cooperative efforts between multiple libraries. The sharing of information and services between libraries requires a common set of definitions and standards. Library regulations and standards run the gamut: technical standards deployed for interlibrary loan software, classification systems that attempt to make sense of the whole of human knowledge, and metadata schema for structuring descriptive records. Library standards also may be created for various library services such as library instruction and collection development. An individual library could engage with almost any number of library regulations and standards propagated by any number of organizations with some nested so that there may be a broad international standard containing more specialized standards that meet specific regional, national, or subject area needs.

Document Type

Book Chapter


library regulations, library standards, library cooperation


Library and Information Science

Part of

Administration in Theological Libraries


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
