Alternative Title
review of David Ray Griffin's book--God Exists But Gawd Does Not (2016)
Publication Date
David Ray Griffin employs the term “anatheism” (ana-theism) for describing a natural scientific return to theism, by moving logically from traditional theism to atheism to panentheism. Griffin shows how natural scientific reasoning leads from commitment to traditional theism (“Gawd” exists) to modern atheism (“Gawd” does not exist), then from modern atheism to [constructive postmodern] Whiteheadian panentheism (“God” does exist).
Document Type
Book Review
Anatheism, traditional theism, atheism, panentheism
Comparative Methodologies and Theories | Comparative Philosophy | History of Philosophy | Metaphysics | Other Philosophy | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Source customer book review
Recommended Citation
Walker, Theodore, "Amazon book review of David Ray Griffin's God Exists But Gawd Does Not (2016)" (2016). Perkins Faculty Research and Special Events. 6.
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Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, Comparative Philosophy Commons, History of Philosophy Commons, Metaphysics Commons, Other Philosophy Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons