The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Lawers of Louis XVIJohn W. Davis354
Post-Stalin Soviet JurisprudenceGray L. Dorsey378
The Eurodollar and the Risk of Currency RestrictionsJoseph Dach392
International Claims of Nationals of Both the Claimant and Respondent States - The Case History of a MythWilliam L. Griffin400
Recent Developments in International Control of Atomic Energy ActivitiesWilliam Mitchell424
Settlement of World War II ClaimsErnest Schein444
Communications: South-West Africa CaseD. P. de Villiers and E. M. Grosskopf457
United Nations AffairsG. Winthrop Haight475
Case Notes
Decisions of International TribunalsEberhard Deutsch489
International Law Cases in the Courts of the United StatesW. Harvey Reeves500
Book Review
Book Reviews and NotesRichard L. Falk and Saul Mendlowitz506