The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977: An International Application of SEC's Corporate Governance ReformsTimothy Atkeson703
The United States' Withdrawal from the ILO: International Politics in the Labor ArenaChristopher C. Joyner721
A Common Law Lawyer Looks at the Common Market's New Patent Licensing RegulationPeter D. Ehrenhaft741
Foreign Investment and Economic Openness in Egypt: Legal Problems and Legislative Adjustments of the First Three YearsJeswald W. Salacuse and Theodore Parnall759
Choice of Forum Clauses in International Contracts: What is Unjust and UnreasonableLars O. Lagerman779
Short Articles, Comments and Casenotes
Extradition and Transnational Terrorism: A Comment on the Recent Extradition of Klaus Croissant from France to West GermanyThomas E. Carbonneau813
Efforts toward Harmonization of Business Laws within the European Economic CommunityJames R. Silkenat835
International Products Liability Litigation: Choosing the Applicable LawWilliam W. Park845
Why the Soviet Union Permitted Austria to Be Free: A Long-Standing Mystery SolvedAlwyn V. Freeman863
The International Lawyer: A Stock-Taking of the Years 1975-78Alwyn V. Freeman881
Current Developments
The Panama Canal Treaties of 1977: Protocol of Exchange of Ratifications Accompanying DeclarationsOmar Torrijos Herrera887
The Panama Canal Treaties of 1977: Letter Dated August 22, 1978 from the Office of the Legal Advisor, Department of State, to Mr. FreemanTerrence Fortune897
Book Review
Book Reviews943