The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Role of International Development Institutions in International Project Financing: IBRD, IFC and Co-Financing TechniquesJames R. Silkenat615
Security Interests under the Laws of Venezuela: An Introductory GuideSergio A. Leiseca and William F. Atkin625
Doing Business in Japan: The Importance of the Unwritten LawPaul Lansing and Marlene Wechselblatt647
Recent Developments at the Iran-United States Claims TribunalDavis R. Robinson661
Multiparty Controversies in Internatonal Construction ArbitrationsThomas P. Devitt669
Jurisdiction over Foreign Sovereigns: Litigation v. ArbitrationCharles N. Brower681
Short Articles, Comments and Casenotes
Arbitration with Governments: Domestic v. International AwardsGeorges R. DeLaume687
In Memoriam: Brendan Francis BrownMark R. Joelson699
Outline and Checklist of Arab Boycott and U.S. Antiboycott LawsMartin P. Sherman711
The New Import Valuation Code: A Digest of Customs RulingsRobert Glenn White729
Termination of Sales Agents and Distributors in FranceJacques Sales741
Termination of Sales Agents and Distributors in BelgiumThad W. Simons Jr.752
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: A Discussion of Problems Concerning the Exercise of JurisdictionMichael Havers784
Book Review
Book Reviews801