The International Lawyer
Front Matter
This IssueRobert E. Lutz[xxi]
Guide to Countertrade and International BarterScott J. Lochner725
Primer on United States Trade RemediesMichael Sandler761
The Islamic Legal Revolution: The Case of SudanCarey N. Gordon793
Insider Trading Originating Abroad and Waiver-by-ConductBrian L. Nelson817
International Penal Aspects of Protecting Cultural PropertyJames A. R. Nafziger835
Brazilian Confirmation of Foreign JudgmentsJacob Dolinger853
Short Articles, Comments and Casenotes
The Hague Conference on Private International Law: Some ObservationsWillis L. M. Reese881
Economic and Political Aspects of ExtraterritorialityKenneth W. Dam887
Foreign Bank Operations in Switzerland: New Regulations and Practical ConsiderationsPetru Buzescu897
The Soviet Internal Passport SystemSimona Pipko and Albert J. Pucciarelli915
United States Tax Treatment of Liechtenstein Anstalts: A CommentHoward M. Liebman921
Current Developments
Import Law and Policy Series: Fair Apples to Apples Comparisons in Dumping CasesAlan F. Holmer and Judith Hippler Bello927
New Trends in Latin American Foreign Trade: The LAIA and Its WorkDaniel M. Ferrere933
The Caribbean Basin Exchange of Information Draft Agreement - A Technical AnalysisWilliam M. Sharp and Betty K. Steele949
The New french Bankruptcy StatuteJames Beardsley973
Streamlining Litigation: Recent Modifications to the Spanish Civil Procedure CodeJose W. Fernandez981
Selected Readings in Foreign and International LawEarl Weisbaum985
Countertrade: A Reading ListLinda A. Whisman1013
Book Reviews1021