The International Lawyer
Front Matter
This Issue. . . and GoodbyeRobert E. Lutzxv
Coping with Foreign-Law Impediments to the Export Licensing of United States TechnologyEwell E. Murphy Jr.1129
United States Regulation of High-Technology ExportsG. Gregory Letterman1147
Representing Respondents in a Section 337 Investigation of the United States International Trade CommissionAndrew S. Newman and Steven E. Lipman1187
Information Gathering on Tax Evasion in Tax Haven CountriesGregory P. Crinion1209
Nicaragua Versus the United States: Issues of Law and PolicyJames P. Rowles1245
Amending the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: The ABA PositionMark B. Feldman1289
The Elements of a Canada-United States Comperehensive Trade AgreementJock A. Finlayson and J. Christopher Thomas1307
Drafting the International Arbitration ClauseNicolas C. Ulmer1335
The Office of the Trade Representative: Recent Legal DevelopmentsAlan F. Holmer1351
Current Developments
Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States (Revised): Issues and ResolutionsJohn B. Houck1361
The European Economic Community's Council Directive on Product LiabilityHeinz J. Dielmann1391
Book Review
Book Reviews1413
Pacific Rim Legal Bibliograhy: A Guide to Legal Information SourcesEarl Weisbaum1401