The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Foreign Country Money-Judgments and Arbitral Awards and the Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States: A Conventional ApproachWerner F. Ebke and Mary E. Parker21
Service of United States Process Abroad: A Practical Guide to Service under the Hague Service Convention and the Federal Rules of Civil ProcedureKenneth B. Reisenfeld55
Order Amid Chaos: Security Devices for Credit Transactions in ChinaTung-Pi Chen, Luqing Qian, and M. Shawn Scromeda85
The Role of Tax Incentives in Attracting Foreign Investments in Selected Developing Countries and the Desirable PolicyYitzhak Hadari121
Copyright Protection and the Marketing of Software in Brazil: The New Legal FrameworkMichael S. Mensik and A. John Radsan153
Cutting Drag and Increasing Lift: How Well Will a More Competitive EEC Air Transport Industry FlyDavid Banowsky179
Current Developments
U.S. Trade Law and Policy Series No. 15: Anticircumvention Measures: Shifting the Gears of the Antidumping and Countervailing Duty LawsJudith H. Bello, Alan F. Holmer, and Barbara E. Tillman207
Highlights of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA): What Foreign Banks Should KnowDaniel B. Gail225
Book Review
Book Reviews289
Section Recommendation and Reports
People's Republic of ChinaSteven C. Nelson, Clifford D. Stromberg, and Robert C. Mussehl299