The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Law of the SeaKenneth R. Simmonds931
Legal Aspects of Doing Business in HungaryErwin P. Eichmann957
A Legal Due Diligence Framework for Inbound Transfers of Foreign Technology RightsAlan S. Gutterman976
A Program for Compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Foreign Law Restrictions on the Use of Sales AgentsJohn E. Impert1009
Liability of Nonexporters under the United States Export LawsRobert C. Sexton1029
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Time for ReappraisalJames E. Meason1043
The Legal Structure for Investment in Oman in the 1990s: A Case Study of an Arabian Gulf Oil Exporting EconomyJohn McHugo1059
The Debt-for-Nature Swap: A Long-term Investment for the Economic Stability of Less Developed CountriesMarilyn Post1071
Current Developments
U.S. Trade Law and Policy Series No. 17: Steering Clear of the Scylla of the U.S. Antidumping Law and the Charybdis of Internal Revenue Code Section 482Alan F. Holmer, Judith H. Bello, and Daniel M. Davidson1099
A Breakthrough in International Arbitration: Switzerland's New ActPierre-Yves Tschanz1107
Preserving the Nondutiable Character of Overseas buying Agent Commissions for United States ImportationsRobert J. Ward Jr.1119
Legal Implications of Germany's ReunificationWerner F. Ebke1130
Pacific Basin1133
United Kingdom1145
Book Review
Book Reviews1161
Section Recommendation and Reports
Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial DisputesJames R. Silkenat1181
Conventional Forces in EuropeJames R. Silkenat1188
Protocol to the Income Tax Treaty between Canada and the United StatesJames R. Silkenat1189
The European CommunityJames R. Silkenat and Jean Allard1192