The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Emerging Capital Markets: Proposals and Recommendations for ImplementationMarc I. Steinberg715
The UNCITRAL Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: The Foundation for a New Era in CountertradeJames C. Nobles Jr. and Johannes Land739
The General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System from a Canadian PerspectiveDavid M. Attwater757
Limitation of Manufacturer Liability for Administration of an AIDS Vaccine OverseasJohn P. Wilson783
How the Andean Pact Transformed Itself into a Friend of Foreign EnterpriseThomas Andrew O'Keefe811
The Legal Framework of the Securities Markets in BulgariaGueorgui Vassilev825
Patent Protection for the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Survey of the Patent Laws of Various CountiesTheresa Beeby Lewis835
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