The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Corporate Governance in Asia Today and TomorrowArthur M. Mitchell and Clare Wee1
Corruption in the Russian Arbitrazh Courts: Will There Be Significant Progress in the Near TermEthan S. Burger15
Conflict in Confidentiality: How E.U. Laws Leave In-House Counsel outside the PrivilegeJ. Triplett Mackintosh and Kristen M. Angus35
From Farm to Fork: The Impact on Global Commerce of the New European Union Biotechnology Regulatory SchemeMark Mansour and Sarah Key55
The Extra-Territorial Scope of the Anti-Corruption Legislation in NigeriaOlakunle O. Olagoke71
Emerging Customs Issues for Petitioners in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty CasesMichael P. Mabile and Jeffrey M. Telep89