The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Expropriation: Hickenlooper and HereafterGeorge Jackson Eder611
Recent Legal Developments in Latin AmericaRichard C. Allison646
Political Rights in the Canadian ArcticJohn E. Meyers666
Nuremberg - A Step ForwardWilliam D. Mallard Jr.673
The Recovery and Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space: A Legal Analysis and InterpretationStephen Gorove682
Some Recent Developments in Soviet Maritime LawWilliam E. Butler695
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Civil Judgments: A Summary View of the Situation in the United StatesRuth Bader Ginsburg720
The Procedural Aspects of International Law InstituteRichard B. Lillich741
Israel: Summary and BibliographyDavid Sasoon and Don Jr. Wallace752
Dual Nationality in Practice - Some Bizarre ResultsFranklin F. Russell756
Arms Control is not DisarmamentEdward R. Finch Jr.765
Analysis of Contemporary International Law Development - A Social Psychological PerspectiveAhmed Sheikh785
International ArbitrationJose R. Chiriboga801
Case Note
Decisions of Internationa and Foreign TribunalsMalcolm W. Monroe806
Book Review
Book ReviewFranklin F. Russell816