The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Hotlines across Europe: Directions through the MazeDonald C. Dowling Jr.1
We're on a Road to Nowhere - Reasons for the Continuing Failure Regulate Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentsYoav Oestreicher59
Challenges to Enforcing Arbitral Awards against Foreign States in the United StatesMolly Steele and Michael Heinlen87
International Insolvency LawJonathan L. Howell113
The Second Scramble for Africa's Oil and Mineral Resources: Blessing or CurseChris Nwachukwu Okeke193
Curse of the Black Swan: How the Law of Salvage Perpetuates Indeterminate Ownership of ShipwrecksJennifer Tsai211