The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Criminal Corporate Raiding in RussiaThomas Firestone1207
Barriers to Entry: Foreign Direct Investment and the Regulation of Sovereign Wealth FundsJustin O'Brien1231
The Expanding Criminalization of Transnational Bribery: Global Prosecution Necessitates Global ComplianceFrank C. Razzano and Travis P. Nelson1259
Judicial Borrowing: International &(and) Comparative Law as Nonbinding Tools of Domestic Legal Adjudication with Particular Reference to EstoniaJulia Laffranque1287
Business Negotiation between Westerners and Chinese State-Owned EnterpriseCatherine Zhang1303
H.R. 3610, the Food and Drug Import Safety Act of 2007Kelly Chen and Rosa Dunnegan-Mallat1339