The International Lawyer
Front Matter
Convergences and Divergences in Educating Transnational LawyersCatherine Donnelly627
Educating and Qualifying Transnational Lawyers: A U.S. PerspectiveDiane Penneys Edelman635
Legal Scholarship around the World: Traditions, Requirements and Relevance of Irish/British/Commonwealth ScholarshipImelda Maher645
The Role of Legal Scholarship in Eastern EuropeCharles Szymanski655
Legal Scholarship in Latin America: Traditions, Requirements, and RelevanceAlexandre Freitas Camara663
On Scholarship in the American Legal Academy: An EssayRobert E. Lutz673
What Is New in the United States Trade Representative's Special 301 Report for Arab CountriesMohamed Saelm Abou El Farag683
Securities Arbitration: An Alternative Form of Dispute Resolution for Public Investors in ChinaMian R. Wang691
Rehabilitating the U.S. Corporate Income Tax System in Light of Current Realities and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 965Jessica L. Oldani709
International Transportation LawMark J. Andrews, James H. Bergeron, Hillary Andrews Booth, Catherine Erkelens, Lee-Ann Gibbs, Lorraine B. Halloway, Niki Leys, Gerald F. Murphy, and Catherine A. Pawluch741