The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Dynamics of the Multi-National Enterprise: Exemplar for World GovernmentLeondard M. Salter11
Scientific Renaissance of Legal Theory: The Manned Orbiting Space Station as a Contemporary WorkshopGeorge S. Robinson20
1975: A Space OdysseyH. Gerald Staub41
Prescriptive Administrative Proposal: An International Machinery for Control of the High SeasNancy D. Joyner and Christopher C. Joyner57
Domestic Law Effect of Rules of International Law within the European Community System of Law and the Question of the Self-Executing Character of GATT RulesPaul J. G. Kapteyn74
Choice of Forum Clauses - A Brief Survey of Anglo-American LawIngrid M. Farquharson83
Transfer of Spanish Securities: Mediation of a Public Attesting Officer - Its Significance and ScopeModesto Muro de la Vega103
The Reform of the French Legal SystemOdette Valabregue Wurzburger117
Prisoners in the Bangladesh War: Humanitarian Concerns and Political DemandsDonald N. Zillman124
Caesar Augustus and the Flight of the Asians - The International Legal Implications of the Asian Expulsion from Uganda during 1972John L. Bonee III136
Case Note
Book Reviews
Editor's Note