The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Shortchanged: Uganda Citizenship Laws and How They Were Applied to Its Asian MinorityK. C. Kotecha1
International Law and the Expulsion of Ugandan AsiansFrank Wooldridge and Vishnu D. Sharma30
Arbitration in East-West TradeHoward M. Holtzmann77
The French Legal and Tax Aspects of the Formation of Subsidiaries in a European ContextJean Guyenot and Charles P. D'Evegnee101
The U.S. Constitution and Anticipatory Self-Defense under Article 51 of the U.N. CharterSol Slonim117
The Protection of Foreign Officials in the United States CodeFranciszek Przetacznik121
The End of Nationalism: A Call for a Declaration of InterdependenceLeonard M. Salter143
The Common Heritage of Mankind as a Legal ConceptRudolph Preston Arnold153
Use of Shareholder Agreements and Other Control Techniques in Japanese Joint Venture Corporations and Their Validity under Japanese Corporate LawDonald P. Swisher159
Co-Determination in Germany: Labor's Participation in ManagementRichard Meissel and Michael Fogel182
The Legal Status of the Soviet Foreign Trade Monopoly in the Federal Republic of GermanyMichael Brenscheidt197
Hindu JurisprudenceP. K. Menon209
Editor's Note