The International Lawyer
Front Matter
The Chairman's Annual Report, 1974-1975James T. Haight585
The New International Economic Order and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of StatesG. W. Haight591
The Changing Legal Framework of International Energy MangementJ. Dapray Muir605
The Legal Status of Nation-State Cartels under United States Antitrust and Public International LawMark R. Joelson and Joseph P. Griffin617
Egypt's New Law on Foreign Investment: The Framework for Economic OpennessJeswald W. Salacuse647
The Regulation of Foreign Banks in the United StatesDavid R. Halperin661
IntroductionI. Arnold Ross691
Sevice of Process in AutstriaCurtis T. Ettinger693
Service of Process: Documents Requried in English ProceedingsMartin J. Moore-Bick699
International Judicial Assistance - ItalyRiccardo Gori-Montanelli and David A. Botwinik717
Service of Process and the Gathering of Information Relative to a Law Suit Brought in West GermanyPeter Heidenberg725
Detente and Dollar DiplomacyAdlaie Stevenson733
A Reply to Deepsea's Adventures: Grotius RevisitedH. Gary Knight751