
Submissions from 2024


Where A-B Testing Goes Wrong: How Divergent Delivery Affects What Online Experiments Cannot (and Can) Tell You About How Customers Respond to Advertising, Michael Braun and Eric M. Schwartz


Probabilistic Machine Learning: New Frontiers for Modeling Consumers and their Choices, Ryan Dew, Nicolas Padilla, Lan E. Luo, and Michael Braun


Testing a Theory of Strategic Multi-Product Choice, Ed Fox and John Semple

Submissions from 2023


Leveraging Digital Advertising Platforms for Consumer Research, Michael Braun, Bart De Langhe, Stefano Puntoni, and Eric M. Schwartz


Retail Landscape Changes May Affect Kroger-Albertsons Deal, Ed Fox, Emily Cotton, and Laura O'Laughlin


Product Price Level and Retail Price Promotion: An Empirics-First Analysis Of Promotional Conduct and Effect and Implications for Theory and Practice, Kristopher Keller and Raj Sethuraman


Inequality, Stress, and Obesity: Socioeconomic Disparities in the Short- and Long-Term Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Maria Langlois and Pierre Chandon


DEI Brand Activism on Social Media: A Brand Marketing and Social-Political Activism Comparison, Wayne Taylor, Jacquelyn S. Thomas, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta


CRM Targeting With Reference-Dependent Sensitivities: Evidence From The Casino Industry, Wayne Taylor and Jonathan Z. Zhang


Neglected Discovery, Jenia Iontcheva Turner, Ronald F. Wright, and Michael Braun

Submissions from 2022


Simultaneous Estimation of Heterogeneous, Flexible Distance Decay Functions to Better Understand and Predict How Far People Will Go to Be Entertained, Glenn B. Voss and Young Woong Park

Submissions from 2021


The Effects of Competitive Density on Traded and Local Market Performance in the Nonprofit Performing Arts Sector, Richard Briesch, Ernan Haruvy, Glenn B. Voss, and Zannie Voss


Managing Supply and Demand for the Performing Arts in the Time of COVID, Karthik Kannan


The Case for Corporate Climate Ratings: Nudging Financial Markets, Felix Mormann and Milica Mormann


Time to Pay Attention to Attention: Using Attention-Based Process Traces to Better Understand Consumer Decision-Making, Milica Milosavljevic Mormann, Tom Griffiths, Chris Janiszewski, and J. Edward Russo

Submissions from 2020


The Evolution of Retail Formats: Past, Present, and Future, Dinesh K. Gauri, Rupinder Paul Jindal, Brian T. Ratchford, Edward Fox, Amit Bhatnagar, and Aashish Pandey

Submissions from 2019


Time-Varying Effectiveness of Competitive Advertising, Andre Bonfrer, Michael Braun, and Peter Danaher


Incorporating Experience Quality Data into CRM Models: The Impact of Gambler Outcomes on Casino Return Times, Wayne Taylor and Anand V. Bodapati


Leveraging Loyalty Programs Using Competitor Based Targeting, Wayne Taylor and Brett Hollenbeck

Submissions from 2018


Competition Among Retail Formats, Chaoqun Chen


The Normalizing Constant in the BG/BB Model, Daniel McCarthy, Michael Braun, and Arun Gopalakrishnan


Dynamic Multilevel Covariance Structure Models for Analyzing Rolling Cross-Sectional Tracking Surveys, Joonwook Park and William R Dillon


Web Appendix for Dynamic Multilevel Covariance Structure Models for Analyzing Rolling Cross-Sectional Tracking Surveys, Joonwook Park and William R Dillon

Submissions from 2017


In the Red: The Effects of Color on Investment Behavior, William J. Bazley, Henrik Cronqvist, and Milica Milosavljevic Mormann


Visual Finance: The Pervasive Effects of Red on Investor Behavior, William J. Bazley, Henrik Cronqvist, and Milica Milosavljevic Mormann


Organized Crime, or Shoplifting While Black? Evidence from Texas on Police Discretion in Organized Retail Theft Arrests, Michael Braun, Jeremy Rosenthal, and Kyle Therrian


Police Discretion and Racial Disparity in Organized Retail Theft Arrests: Evidence from Texas, Michael Braun, Jeremy Rosenthal, and Kyle Therrian

Submissions from 2016


The Role of Salience and Attention in Choice under Risk: An Experimental Investigation, Cary Frydman and Milica Milosavljevic Mormann

Submissions from 2015


A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Price Presentation on Perceived Savings, Aradhna Krishna, Richard Briesch, Donald R. Lehmann, and Hong Yuan


What the Eye Does Not Admire the Brain Does Not Desire: How Visual Properties of Product Packaging Affect Consumer Attention and Choice, Milica Milosavljevic Mormann, R. Towal, and Christof Koch


Testing the Traditional View of National Brands and Store Brands: A Comparison of Response Elasticities and Intangible Brand Effects, Sudhir Voleti and Raj Sethuraman

Submissions from 2014


Choosing an n-Pack of Substitutable Products, Edward Fox, Laura Norman, and John H. Semple

Submissions from 2013


Online Display Advertising: Modeling the Effects of Multiple Creatives and Individual Impression Histories, Michael Braun and Wendy W. Moe


Transaction Attributes and Customer Valuation, Michael Braun, David A. Schweidel, and Eli Stein


Category Positioning and Store Choice: The Role of Destination Categories, Richard Briesch, William R Dillon, and Edward Fox

Submissions from 2012


Statistically Based Weight Pruning in Feed-Forward Neural Networks, Richard Briesch


Consumers Can Make Decisions in as Little as a Third of a Second, Milica Milosavljevic Mormann, Christof Koch, and Antonio Rangel


Relative Visual Saliency Differences Induce Sizable Bias in Consumer Choice, Milica Milosavljevic Mormann, Vidhya Navalpakkam, Christof Koch, and Antonio Rangel

Submissions from 2011


Generalized Direct Sampling for Hierarchical Bayesian Models, Michael Braun and Paul Damien


Online Advertising Response Models: Incorporating Multiple Creatives and Impression Histories, Michael Braun and Wendy W. Moe


The Drift Diffusion Model Can Account for the Accuracy and Reaction Time of Value-Based Choices Under High and Low Time Pressure, Milica Milosavljevic Mormann, Jonathan Malmaud, Alexander Huth, and Christof Koch


Customer Relationship Management and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Business Strategy, Martin Reimann, Oliver Schilke, and Jacquelyn S. Thomas


Toward an Understanding of Industry Commoditization: Its Nature and Role in Evolving Marketing Competition, Martin Reimann, Oliver Schilke, and Jacquelyn S. Thomas


When Does International Marketing Standardization Matter to Firm Performance?, Oliver Schilke, Martin Reimann, and Jacquelyn S. Thomas


New and Enduring Empirical Generalizations on Advertising Elasticity: A Meta-Analysis of 872 Estimates, Raj Sethuraman, Gerard J. Tellis, and Richard Briesch

Submissions from 2010


Modeling Customer Lifetimes with Multiple Causes of Churn, Michael Braun and David A. Schweidel

Submissions from 2009


Scalable Inference of Customer Similarities from Interactions Data Using Dirichlet Processes, Michael Braun and Andre Bonfrer

Submissions from 2007


Nonparametric Discrete Choice Models With Unobserved Heterogeneity, Richard Briesch, Pradeep K. Chintagunta, and Rosa L. Matzkin


A General Approximation to the Distribution of Count Data with Applications to Inventory Modeling, Edward Fox, Bezalel Gavish, and John H. Semple


A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Predicting Retail Customers' Share-of-Wallet Loyalty, Edward Fox and Jacquelyn Thomas

Submissions from 2006


The Moderating Influence of Firm Market Power on the Transaction Cost Economics Model: An Empirical Test in a Forward Channel Integration Context, Tasadduq A. Shervani, Gary Frazier, and Goutam Challagalla


The Moderating Influence of Firm Market Power on the Transaction Cost Economics Model: An Empirical Test in a Forward Channel Integration Context, Tasadduq A. Shervani, Gary Frazier, and Goutam Challagalla

Submissions from 2005


Modeling the 'Pseudodeductible' in Insurance Claims Decisions, Michael Braun, Peter Fader, Eric Bradlow, and Howard Kunreuther

Submissions from 2002


What Makes Consumers Pay More for National Brands than for Store Brands - Image or Quality?, Raj Sethuraman