Subject Area



In four of my most recent artworks—Two Figures, Boy, Canes, and Ranch Water Fountain—as well as a handful of earlier works, I address three key neologisms – familial truth, reprocessing, and manufactured brokenness—alongside themes of topology and the relationship between intimacy and monumentality. I break down and piece back together the stories and truth of my familial identity and history to reveal the importance of these ideas and works in relation to the early construction of my identity. These works represent recollections of my life and the strange and puzzling memories associated with my familial truth. They also serve as machines, structures, and instruments which guide, inform, and support my investigations into the “truth” and what was overlooked due to the haze of false narratives and the passage of time. By making old, desensitized memories and experiences more approachable and more malleable, I relive and re-experience key moments my childhood. This affords me greater control and agency over my complex familial history.

Degree Date

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name



Division of Art


Brian Molanphy

Second Advisor

Tamara Johnson



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Available for download on Saturday, May 03, 2025

Included in

Art Practice Commons
