
Phased arrays are employed in a wide range of civil and Military contexts, including RADAR, cellular communications, and satellite communications. However, modern phased-array antennas require complex design and bulky structure at high costs, hindering their implementation in many applications. The critical aspect of a phased array design lies in power splitting with a proper phase to each radiating element. Conventional power splitters such as quarter-wavelength or Wilkinson power splitters suffer problems associated with complex array network and high power dissipation. Furthermore, popular phase shifters such as MEMS switch, ferrite-based or PIN diode have drawbacks of low power-handling capability, expensive packaging, and difficult fabrication process.

The presented work introduces an innovative approach to phased array antenna design, centered around a quadrature hybrid phase shifter and a novel feeding technique known as series aperture coupling. The essence of this design lies in its ability to harness electronic components that are not only cost-effective but also highly efficient, serving the same purpose as existing methods while significantly reducing overall expenses.

Unlike conventional methods that rely on control mechanisms such as magnetic fields to alter the properties of specific materials like ferrites, thereby achieving phase shifting of the signal, this invention takes a different route. It leverages signal reflection through the utilization of variable capacitors to attain the same goal. This approach offers a more accessible and economical means of achieving the desired phase shifts in the signal.

One of the key innovations lies in the implementation of a cascade phase shifter connection. This configuration proves instrumental in establishing a highly responsive phased array structure. By linking phase shifters in a cascade arrangement, it becomes possible to fine-tune the phase relationships of individual radiating elements, resulting in a highly adaptable and sensitive phased array.

Furthermore, the series aperture coupled feeding method presents a unique advantage in terms of optimizing the available material space. This approach streamlines the design process, minimizing the need for external devices and bulky materials. The result is an antenna design that operates with enhanced efficiency and reduced interference from external components. Additionally, the use of power splitters based on quadrature hybrids between each 1-D subarray further streamlines the design and enhances the ease of expanding the array system.

In summary, this work represents a significant departure from traditional phased array antenna design, offering a more cost-effective, versatile, and streamlined solution. By harnessing the capabilities of quadrature hybrid coupler, variable capacitors, and cascade phase shifter configurations, the proposed design holds the potential to advance the field of phased array antennas, making them more accessible and efficient for a range of applications.

Degree Date

Fall 12-16-2023

Document Type


Degree Name



Electrical and Computer Engineering


Choon-Sae Lee

Second Advisor

Jerome Butler

Third Advisor

Mohamed Ezzat

Fourth Advisor

Ping Gui

Fifth Advisor

Johannes Tausch

Number of Pages




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
