Streaming Media


This study focuses on how to use the Graph Theory and the Dominion Theory to design a three-dimensional (3D) non-linear, miniscaped level layout in a video game. Using these theories, the researcher aimed to aid players in navigating non-linear levels (which are notoriously difficult to traverse). Consequently, the researcher created a methodology outlining the best practices for constructing a level using Graph Theory and Dominion Theory. The researcher constructed a game level in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to explore the effectiveness of this methodology. Testers played the level and provided feedback regarding their experiences. The researcher analyzed this data to confirm or deny their methodology’s accuracy.

Degree Date

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name



Level Design


Katie Wood Clark


I want to give a special thanks to my professor and thesis advisor, Katie Wood Clark. This endeavor would not have been possible without her. I am also grateful to Professor Mike Porter, who helped me along with the process. To the playtesters, who played my level, your feedback was greatly appreciated!



Included in

Game Design Commons
