Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Modeling of Light Filamentation for Nonlinear Imaging and Waveguiding, Nicholas Bagley
Generation, Dynamics, and Interaction of Quartic Solitary Waves in Nonlinear Laser Systems, Sabrina Hetzel
Adapting Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis for Next Generation Sequencing, Molly Robinson
Predicting Biomolecular Properties and Interactions Using Numerical, Statistical and Machine Learning Methods, Elyssa Sliheet
Tools for Biomolecular Modeling and Simulation, Xin Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Viscous Thin-film Models of Nanoscale Self-organization Under Ion Bombardment, Tyler Evans
Adaptive Multirate Infinitesimal Time Integration, Alex Fish
Practical Implementation of the Immersed Interface Method with Triangular Meshes for 3D Rigid Solids in a Fluid Flow, Norah Hakami
Neural Network Learning for PDEs with Oscillatory Solutions and Causal Operators, Lizuo Liu
A Node Elimination Algorithm for Cubatures of High-Dimensional Polytopes, Arkadijs Slobodkins
Numerical Methods for Wave Turbulence: Isotropic 3-Wave Kinetic Equations, Steven Walton
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Statistical Mechanics of Nonlinear Waves: Growth and Decay of Coherent Structures Interacting with Random Waves, Yuanting Chen
High-order Flexible Multirate Integrators for Multiphysics Applications, Rujeko Chinomona
Finite Element Approximation of Solutions of the Equations of Electroporoelasticity, Yu Hu
A Fast Method For Computing Volume Potentials In The Galerkin Boundary Element Method In 3D Geometries, Sasan Mohyaddin
Fast Multipole Methods for Wave and Charge Source Interactions in Layered Media and Deep Neural Network Algorithms for High-Dimensional PDEs, Wenzhong Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Modeling Fluid Phenomena in the Context of the Constrained Vapor Bubble System, James Barrett
Uncertainty Quantification of Nonreflecting Boundary Schemes, Brian Citty
Nonlinear Photonics in Twisted and Nonlocal Structures, Austin Copeland
Multigrid for the Nonlinear Power Flow Equations, Enrique Pereira Batista
Cell Assembly Detection in Low Firing-Rate Spike Train Data, Phan Minh Duc Truong
The Boundary Element Method for Parabolic Equation and Its Implementation in BEM++, Sihao Wang
Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Model of Drug Concentration in a Lymph Node, Ting Yan
A New Class of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Wave Equations in Second-Order Form, Lu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Parallel Multipole Expansion Algorithms and Their Biology Applications, Jiahui Chen
Model Selection and Experimental Design of Biological Networks with Algebraic Geometry, Anyu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Swelling as a Stabilizing Mechanism During Ion Bombardment of Thin Films: An Analytical and Numerical Study, Jennifer M. Swenson
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
High-order Relaxed Multirate Infinitesimal Step Methods for Multiphysics Applications, Jean Sexton