Journal of Air Law and Commerce
Front Matter
Where to Sue in Aviation Products Liability CasesAlbert R. Abramson369
Aviation Repair Stations and Strict LiabilityTom Davis413
Possible Defendants: Defendant's ViewpointW.B. Patterson425
Insuring the RiskDavid Dann431
Use of Experts in InvestigationRalph Harmon441
Analysis of WreckageKenneth F. Packer and Charles R. Morin447
Availability and Use of Weather DataHarold Taft459
Discovery against Air CarriersFrank Rox469
Discovery against Manufacturers in Air Crash LitigationDonald W. Madole481
Liability and Defenses - Defendant's ViewpointArthur J. Moore499
Case Notes
Expert Testimony in Aviation Accident Litigation: The Common Law and Proposed Federal Rulesm of EvidencePaul W. Gertz509
Discriminatory BumpingPeter B. Heister533
Case NotesGary Crapster, Michael L. Farley, and Paul Price551
Book Review
Book Review: Aviation LawGerard Pucci589
BibliographyGerard Lafleur591