Faculty Journal Articles and Book Chapters

The SMU Law faculty features numerous recipients of university-wide teaching and research awards, as well as national and international awards and distinctions. This collection includes full-text downloads, where possible, of the scholarly articles and book chapters authored by SMU faculty. Where full-text is not available, links to publisher information or library availability are provided.


Submissions from 2012


Welcoming Remarks, Joseph J. Norton


The Conscience and Culture of Prosecution: An Introduction, Anna Offit
25 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 871 (2012)


No 'Direction' Home: An Alternative Approach to Joint Infringement, W. Keith Robinson
62 American University Law Review 59 (2012)


The Year in Video Game Law, W. Keith Robinson and Xuan-Thao Nguyen


Proximate Retribution, Meghan J. Ryan
48 Houston Law Review 1049 (2012)


Remedying Wrongful Execution, Meghan J. Ryan
45 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 261 (2012)


The Missing Jury: The Neglected Role of Juries in Eighth Amendment Punishments Clause Determinations, Meghan J. Ryan
64 Florida Law Review 549 (2012)


From Representation to Research and Back again: Reflections on Developing an Empirical Project, Mary B. Spector
16 University of the District of Columbia Law Review 55 (2012)


Testimony of Mary Spector on Examining the Uses of Consumer Credit Data before Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Committee on Financial Services, Mary B. Spector


Policing International Prosecutors, Jenia I. Turner
45 NYU Journal of International Law & Politics 173 (2012)


Prosecutors and Bargaining in Weak Cases: A Comparative View, Jenia I. Turner
The Prosecutor in Transnational Perspective (2012)


The Expressive Dimension of EU Criminal Law, Jenia I. Turner
60 American Journal of Comparative Law 555 (2012)


The First Father: Perspectives on the President's Fatherhood Initiative, Jessica Dixon Weaver
50 Family Court Review 297 (2012)


Harmonizing Formal Requirements for Cross-Border Sales Contracts, Peter Winship
International Review of Law (2012)

Scholarship from 2011


An Empirical Analysis of Wealth Disparities in WTO Disputes:
 Do Poorer Countries Suffer from Strategic Delay During Dispute Litigation?, Geoffrey Antell and James W. Coleman
29 Boston University International Law Journal 267 (2011)


It's the Hard Luck Life: Women's Moral Luck and Eucatastrophe in Child Custody Allocation, Lolita Buckner Inniss
32 Women's Rights Law Reporter 56 (2011)


Reasoning From Race: Feminism, Law, and the Civil Rights, Lolita Buckner Inniss
2011 Texas Law Review Online, Dicta 1 (2011)


A Unified Approach to Extraterritoriality, Anthony J. Colangelo
97 Virginia Law Review 1019 (2011)


Universal Jurisdiction as an International “False Conflict” of Laws, Anthony J. Colangelo
International Law: Contemporary Issues and Future Developments (2011)


Two Sides of the Combatant Coin: Untangling Direct Participation in Hostilities from Belligerent Status in Non-International Armed Conflicts, Geoffrey S. Corn and Chris Jenks
33 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 313 (2011)


Adverse Publicity by Administrative Agencies in the Internet Era, Nathan Cortez
2011 Brigham Young University Law Review 1371 (2011)


A Medical Malpractice Model for Developing Countries?, Nathan Cortez
4 Drexel Law Review 217 (2011)


Can Speech by FDA-Regulated Firms Ever be Noncommercial?, Nathan Cortez
37 American Journal of Law and Medicine 388 (2011)


Embracing the New Geography of Health Care: A Novel Way to Cover Those Left Out of Health Reform, Nathan Cortez
84 Southern California Law Review 859 (2011)


The Elusive Ideal of Market Competition in U.S. Health Care, Nathan Cortez
Health Care and EU Law (2011)


Cost-Benefit Analysis: Not a Suitable Approach For Evaluating Climate Regulation Policies, Gregory S. Crespi
2 Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate, and The Environment 2011 (2011)


Mortgage Modification and Strategic Behavior: A Contrarian Interpretation of the Countrywide Financial Corporation Settlement, Gregory S. Crespi


Mortgage Modification and Strategic Behavior: A Contrarian Reading of the Countrywide Financial Corporation Settlement, Gregory S. Crespi


Teaching Contract Law: Introducing Students to a Critical Perspective Through Discussion of Indentured Servitude and Sharecropper Contracts, Gregory S. Crespi


The Trillion Dollar Problem of Underwater Homeowners: Avoiding a New Surge of Foreclosures by Encouraging Principal-Reducing Loan Modifications, Gregory S. Crespi


The UC-Irvine Experiment: Will it Be Effective at Teaching Contract Law?, Gregory S. Crespi


The Proposed Texas Assignment of Rents Act: A Legislative Escape from the Common Law Morass, Julia Patterson Forrester Rogers
48 Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Reporter 1 (2011)


Copyrighting Shakespeare: Jacob Tonson, Eighteenth Century English Copyright, and the Birth of Shakespeare Scholarship, Jeffrey M. Gaba
19 Journal of Intellectual Property Law 21 (2011)


The Uncorporation and the Unraveling of 'Nexus of Contracts' Theory, Grant M. Hayden and Matthew T. Bodie
109 Michigan Law Review 1127 (2011)


Siren Song: The Implications of the Goldstone Report on International Criminal Law, Chris Jenks and Geoffrey S. Corn


Indefinite Detention Under the Laws of War, Chris Jenks and Eric Talbot Jensen
22 Stanford Law & Policy Review 41 (2011)


Report Prepared for the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights Regarding the Verdict of the Khamovnichesky District Court of the City of Moscow Against M.B. Khodorkovsky and P.L. Lebedev, Criminal Case N 1-23/10, 27 December 2010, Jeffrey D. Kahn


The Case of Colonel Abel, Jeffrey D. Kahn
5 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 263 (2011)


The Extraordinary Mrs. Shipley: How the United States Controlled International Travel Before the Age of Terrorism, Jeffrey D. Kahn
43 Connecticut Law Review 819 (2011)


Futility: My Life, Thomas Wm. Mayo
The Picture of Health: Medical Ethics and the Movies (2011)


Mining The Tax-Free Exchange, Orly Mazur and Matthew Schindel
29 Oil & Gas Investor Magazine (2011)


Ethical Guidance for a Grander Jury, Anna Offit
24 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 761 (2011)


WTO-Compliant Protection of Fundamental Rights: Lessons from the EU Privacy Directive, Carla L. Reyes
12 Melbourne Journal of International Law 141 (2011)


Current and Potential Methods to Undermine a Competitor’s U.S. Patent Application, W. Keith Robinson and M. Haq
BNA's Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal (2011)


USPTO Issues Supplementary Examination Guidelines Explaining the Requirement for Clarity in Patent Claims, W. Keith Robinson and Rouget Henschel
Policy Analysis: IP (2011)


Debts, Defaults and Details: Exploring the Impact of Debt Collection Litigation on Consumers and Courts, Mary B. Spector
6 Virginia Law & Business Review 257 (2011)


Enhanced "Blue Sky" Enforcement: A Path to Help Solve our Public School Funding Dilemma, Marc I. Steinberg
50 Washburn Law Journal 563 (2011)


Clear But Unconvincing: The Federal Circuit’s Invalidity Standard, David O. Taylor
21 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 293 (2011)


Defining Civil Disputes: Lessons from Two Jurisdictions, Elizabeth G. Thornburg and Camille Cameron
35 Melbourne University Law Review 208 (2011)


African-American Grandmothers: Does the Gender-Entrapment Theory Apply? Essay Response to Professor Beth Richie, Jessica Dixon Weaver
37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 153 (2011)