Faculty Journal Articles and Book Chapters

The SMU Law faculty features numerous recipients of university-wide teaching and research awards, as well as national and international awards and distinctions. This collection includes full-text downloads, where possible, of the scholarly articles and book chapters authored by SMU faculty. Where full-text is not available, links to publisher information or library availability are provided.


Scholarship from 2008


What's Wrong With Dumping Radioactive Wastes in the Ocean? The Surprising Ethical and Policy Analysis Implications of the Problem of Person-Altering Consequences, Gregory S. Crespi
38 Environmental Law Reporter (2008)


Would It Be Unethical to Dump Radioactive Wastes in the Ocean? The Surprising Implications of the Person-Altering Consequences of Policies, Gregory S. Crespi
35 Ecology Law Currents 43 (2008)


The Enigma of Standing Doctrine in Texas Courts, William V. Dorsaneo III
28 Review of Litigation 35 (2008)


Taxation of Supernormal Returns, David Elkins and Christopher H. Hanna
62 Tax Lawyer 93 (2008)


Rethinking Recycling, Jeffrey M. Gaba
38 Environmental Law 1053 (2008)


Anna R. Igra, Wives Without Husbands: Marriage, Desertion, & Welfare in New York, 1900-1935, Joanna L. Grossman
26 Law and History Review 766 (2008)


One Share, One Vote and the False Promise of Shareholder Homogeneity, Grant M. Hayden and Matthew T. Bodie
30 Cardozo Law Review 445 (2008)


International Travel and the Constitution, Jeffrey D. Kahn
56 UCLA Law Review 271 (2008)


Vladimir Putin and the Rule of Law in Russia, Jeffrey D. Kahn
36 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 511 (2008)


Voluntarism, Vulnerability, and Criminal Law: A Response to Professors Hills and O'Hear, Ethan J. Leib, Dan Markel, and Jennifer M. Collins
88 Boston University Law Review 1449 (2008)


Immigration: Deportation and the Pseudo-Science of Unassimilable Peoples, George A. Martinez


The Antitrust Legacy of Justice William O. Douglas, C. Paul Rogers III
56 Cleveland State Law Review 895 (2008)


The Quest for Number One in College Football: The Revised Bowl Championship Series, Antitrust, and the Winner Take all Syndrome, C. Paul Rogers III
18 Marquette Sports Law Review 285 (2008)


Active Surveillance Cultures and Contact Precautions for Control of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms: Ethical Considerations, Roberto P. Santos, Thomas Wm. Mayo, and Jane D. Siegel
47 Clinical Infectious Diseases 110 (2008)


Taming the Beast: Payday Loans, Regulatory Efforts, and Unintended Consequences, Mary B. Spector
57 DePaul Law Review 961 (2008)


Disney Goes Goofy: Agency, Delegation & Corporate Governance, Marc I. Steinberg and Matthew D. Bivona
60 Hastings Law Journal 201 (2008)


Examining the Pipeline: A Contemporary Assessment of Private Investments in Public Equity ('PIPEs'), Marc I. Steinberg and Emmanuel Obi
11 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 1 (2008)


Caregiving and the Case for Testamentary Freedom, Joshua C. Tate
42 U.C. Davis Law Review 129 (2008)


Christianity and the Legal Status of Abandoned Children in the Later Roman Empire, Joshua C. Tate
24 Journal of Law and Religion 123 (2008)


Codification of Late Roman Inheritance Law: Fideicommissa and the Theodosian Code, Joshua C. Tate
76 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Legal History Review 237 (2008)


Inheritance Rights of Nonmarital Children in Late Roman Law, Joshua C. Tate
4 Roman Legal Tradition 1 (2008)


Marilyn Monroe’s Legacy: Taxation of Postmortem Publicity Rights, Joshua C. Tate
118 yale Law Journal Pocket Part 38 (2008)


Judicial Hellholes, Lawsuit Climates, and Bad Social Science: Lessons from West Virginia, Elizabeth G. Thornburg
110 West Virginia Law Review 1097 (2008)


The Curious Appellate Judge: Ethical Limits on Independent Research, Elizabeth G. Thornburg
28 Review of Litigation 131 (2008)


Biopharmaceuticals: Definition and Regulation, Lincoln Tsang and Nathan Cortez
Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biopharmaceuticals: A Science-Based Approach to Facilitating Clinical Trials (2008)


Defense Perspectives on Law and Politics in International Criminal Trials, Jenia I. Turner
48 Virginia Journal of International Law 529 (2008)


Transnational Networks and International Public Order, Jenia I. Turner
Progress in International Organization (2008)


The African-American Child Welfare Act: A Legal Redress for African-American Disproportionality in Child Protection Cases, Jessica Dixon Weaver
10 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 109 (2008)

Scholarship from 2007


Title VII’s Protection Against Pay Discrimination: The Impact of Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Deborah L. Brake and Joanna L. Grossman
Regional Labor Review (2007)


A Domestic Right of Return: Race, Rights, and Residency in New Orleans in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Lolita Buckner Inniss
27 Boston College Third World Law Journal 1 (2007)


Back to the Future: Is Form-Based Code an Efficacious Tool for Shaping Modern Civic Life, Lolita Buckner Inniss
11 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 75 (2007)


Toward a Sui Generis View of Black Rights in Canada - Overcoming the Difference-Denial Model of Countering Anti-Black Racism, Lolita Buckner Inniss
9 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 32 (2007)


Institutional Review Boards, Regulatory Incentives, and Some Modest Proposals for Reform, Dale Carpenter
101 Northwestern University Law Review 687 (2007)


Constitutional Limits on Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Terrorism and the Intersection of National and International Law, Anthony J. Colangelo
48 Harvard International Law Journal 121 (2007)


Lady Madonna, Children at Your Feet: The Criminal Justice System's Romanticization of the Parent-Child Relationship, Jennifer M. Collins
93 Iowa Law Review 131 (2007)


Maximizing the Wealth of Fictional Shareholders: Which Fiction Should Directors Embrace?, Gregory S. Crespi
32 Journal of Corporation Law 381 (2007)


Law and Economics After Behavioral Economics, Stephen E. Ellis and Grant M. Hayden
55 University of Kansas Law Review 629 (2007)


Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Mortgage Instruments: The Forgotten Benefit to Homeowners, Julia Patterson Forrester Rogers
72 Missouri Law Review 1077 (2007)


Still Crazy after All These Years: The Absolute Assignment of Rents in Mortgage Loan Transactions, Julia Patterson Forrester Rogers
59 Florida Law Review 487 (2007)


United States v. Atlantic Research: The Supreme Court Almost Gets It Right, Jeffrey M. Gaba
37 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 10810 (2007)


Generally Illegal: NPDES General Permits under the Clean Water Act, Jeffrey M. Gaba
31 Harvard Environmental Law Review 409 (2007)


John Locke and the Meaning of the Takings Clause, Jeffrey M. Gaba
72 Missouri Law Review 525 (2007)


Taking "Justice and Fairness" Seriously: Distributive Justice and the Takings Clause, Jeffrey M. Gaba
40 Creighton Law Review 569 (2007)


The Legacy of Loving, Joanna L. Grossman and John DeWitt Gregory


Criminal Justice and the Challenge of Family Ties, Dan Markel, Jennifer M. Collins, and Ethan J. Leib
2007 University of Illinois Law Review 1147 (2007)


Immigration and the Meaning of United States Citizenship: Whiteness and Assimilation, George A. Martinez
46 Washburn Law Journal 335 (2007)


Race Discrimination and Human Rights Class Actions: The Virtual Exclusion of Racial Minorities from the Class Action Device, George A. Martinez
33 Journal of Legislation 181 (2007)


Living Greatly in the Law: Three Lessons, Thomas Wm. Mayo
8 LAW, CULTURE, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A Liber Amicorum for Professor Roberto MacLean, CBE 292 (2007)


Doing Katrina Time, Pamela R. Metzger
81 Tulane Law Review 1175 (2007)


Banking Law Reform and Users-Consumers in Developing Economies: Creating an Accessible and Equitable Consumer Base from the 'Excluded', Joseph J. Norton
42 Texas International Law Journal 789 (2007)